Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Daily Grace~

I couldn't sleep in this morning, and it's spring break, so I was pretty upset about that. Making it to Cabot from Conway five days a week isn't the most fun thing to do early in the a.m. So, I decided to get up this morning, and clean my closet, move my bedroom furniture around, and let me tell's been a huge process. I'm taking a small break at the moment. I've only got about two hours left of work to do, but I'm pretty worn out. I opened up my window, and I have just been so thankful today for all the things in my life. God is so amazing, and we do not deserve any of his daily grace.

I want to talk a bit about my Granny. She is my Granny, and a lot of others Granny, too. She is the most amazing woman that I know, a Proverbs 31 woman, a best friend, mother, was an outstanding wife, but in my book, my angel. She is always there for me, and she wants to be. She works every day of her life, takes care of my mom, my sister, and me. I love her so much. As she gets older, the thought of her not being in my life starts to be scary for me. I can not imagine her not 'at the house', or driving Papaw's old red truck. It's so scary, and I just hope that she's in my life for a really realllly long time. She is the only one I feel I can go to in times of trouble with a straight head. I love her so much.

This is a picture of us from Thanksgiving this past year. It's not the best picture of her, but by gosh she's just the best person in the whole wide world.

Well, back to cleaning this room...ugh.

1 comment:

  1. Such a sweet post Linds. Your Granny seems so precious. I hope to meet her one day! =)

    And a precious picture.... Love it!

    P.S. Can I just say that I love that you posted two days IN A ROW?!
